Workshops & Talks
I regularly speak at conferences. Topics I speak about:
Open Earth data - Interoperability of (cloud-based) data systems - User Engagement - Jupyter notebooks & Education - Google Earth Engine - Diversity in the geospatial field.
I also run hands-on workshops mainly on analysing large volumes of open Earth data with Python and Jupyter notebooks.
Podcast episodes I have been invited to:
2023 The Practical Democracy Podcast: I sat down with Sabine Groven from the Practical Democracy Podcast and discussed diversity in the geospatial field, why I started Women+ in Geospatial and how to tackle unconscious biases. Tune in here.
2022 TerraWatch Space podcast: I sat down with Aravind Ravichandran from the TerraWatch Space podcast and chatted about Interoperability, Standards & training in Earth Observation. Tune in here.
2022 Geomob podcast: I sat down with Ed Freyfogle from the Geomob Podcast and talked about all the exciting new developments in the Earth Observation domain. Tune in here.
2020 The MapScaping Podcast: I sat down with Daniel O’Donohue from The MapScaping Podcast and talked all things Project Jupyter: what it is, why it is great and how it can boost the reproducibility of your research.
Tune in on Apple, Android or Spotify.
Below you find planned conference presentations and workshops for this year.
Invited talks and keynotes
- Beyond any comfort zone - Insights into the geospatial industry
LSE Industry Talks in Spatial Data Science - 25 January 2023
- (Upcoming) Joint Training School and Workshop on Dust Aerosol Detection and Monitoring - Training School - 21 Feb-3 Mar 2023
The school presented the state-of-the-art in atmospheric composition monitoring and modelling with a focus on chemistry and climate.
Find a selection of past workshops / conference talks below, organised by year.
Fourth Joint ECMWF/ESA/EUMETSAT School on Atmospheric Composition - Training School - 28 Sep-6 Oct 2022
The school presented the state-of-the-art in atmospheric composition monitoring and modelling with a focus on chemistry and climate.Training School and Workshop on Dust Aerosol Detection and Monitoring - Training School - 25 Jan-2 Feb 2022
Training School with the aim to provide an awareness of state-of-the-art satellite-based, ground-based, and model-based products for aerosol detection and monitoring.
Conference talks
Using Jupyter Notebooks for Earth Observation data training at EUMETSAT
CEOS Jupyter Notebooks Day - 21 Oct 2022Using Jupyter Notebooks for Earth Observation data access, processing and visualisation
EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference - 19 Sep 2022Current and future needs of users of satellite-based atmospheric composition data
EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference - 19 Sep 2022Addressing emerging training needs in Earth Observation with Jupyter notebooks
Living Planet Symposium - 26 May 2022Explore Analysis Ready Data with the data cube for atmospheric composition
EUMETSAT Short Course - 16 Feb 2022
[Recording]Using Jupyter Notebooks in Earth Observation Education
1. Workshop ‘EO Education’ 2022 - 10+11 Feb 2022
EUMETSAT Satellite breakfast with data - part II: Monitor recent wildfires from space - Short course - 10 September
A data demonstration on a recent wildfire event with hands-on Jupyter Notebook modules.4th Atmospheric Chemistry and Asian Monsoon (ACAM) Training School - Training School - 21 June - 2 July 2021
Training School to enhance the capacity of early career scientists in the areas of atmospheric composition data analysis using satellite remote sensing, model and analysis products.Existing and new generation earth observation based products for wildfire monitoring and forecast - Workshop and Data discovery - 25-27 May 2021
Practical workflows and case studies for fire monitoring based on Jupyter notebooks.Air Quality Monitoring using Copernicus Sentinel data - WEkEO webinar #7 - 6 May 2021
Introduction to Air Quality monitoring using Copernicus Sentinel data and WEkEO.Using Copernicus data for Atmospheric Composition Applications - EGU Short Course - 28 April + 5 May 2021
Introduction to practical workflows and a case study on Covid-19 based on Sentinel-5p and GOME-2 data based on Jupyter notebooks.The ozone hole tour - EUMETSAT Short Course Series - 18+22 February 2021
Practical introduction to work with the ozone datasets from the GOME-2 and IASI instruments aboard Metop-A/B/C. The course analyses the ozone hole in 2020 for the Arctic and Antarctic.
Conference talks
Making ECMWF Open Data more easily accessible via cloud-based services
European Meteorological Society Annual Meeting - 7 Sep 2021
[Slides]Bridging the gap between Big Earth Data users and future (cloud-based) data systems - Towards a better understanding of user requirements of cloud-based data systems
ECMWF Virtual workshop: Weather and climate in the cloud - 10 Feb 2021
[Slides] [Recording]
What is a gridded dataset and how to create it? - EUMETSAT Short Course Series - 9+14 December 2020
Download, plot and explore GOME-2 Level 2 data, build a gridded (Level-3) dataset of Europe and run basic statistics using Jupyter Notebooks.Second Joint ESA/EUMETSAT/ECMWF Online Training Course on Atmospheric Composition - Training School - 16-20 November 2020
Practical introduction to work with Atmospheric Composition data, including Sentinel-5p, Sentinel-3 and data from the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS), based on Python and Jupyter notebooks.Summer(s) of fires - The 2020 wildfires in Australia, Siberia and California - EUMETSAT Short Course Series - 14+19 October 2020
Download, plot and explore new fire products and aerosol data to characterize the fire plumes evolution and position during the 2020 wildfire season using Jupyter Notebooks.
[Recording]WEkEO Training Workshop - Focus on Atmospheric Data Products - 8+29 October 2020
Introduction to Air Quality data available through WEkEO, a cloud-based data system offering access to and processing of Copernicus data, including data from Sentinel-3, Sentinel-5p and the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS).
[Recording]- OpenGeoHub Summer School 2020 - Wageningen, Netherlands - 16-22 August 2020
- Analysis of Big Earth Data with Jupyter Notebooks [Github] [Recording]
- Dashboarding with Jupyter Notebooks and Voilà [Github] [Recording]
- Analysis of Big Earth Data with Jupyter Notebooks [Github] [Recording]
Using Copernicus Data for Air Quality Applications - EGU Short Course - 26-29 May 2020
Introduction to practical workflows and a case study on Covid-19 based on Sentinel-5p and GOME-2 data based on Jupyter notebooks.- User workshop and training on Fire Monitoring - Webinar series - 11-18 May 2020
Daily introductions to practical workflows and case studies for fire monitoring based on Jupyter notebooks.
Conference talks
- How to avoid death by Jupyter notebooks - Towards more effective and educational notebooks
JupyterCon2020 - Virtual - 16 Oct 2020
[Slides] [Recording] [Github] - Bridging the gap between Big Earth Data Users and future (cloud-based) data systems - Towards a better understanding of user requirements of cloud-based data systems
EGUShare 2020 - Virtual - 7 May 2020
- Accessing and processing atmospheric composition data with Python and Jupyter notebooks
First Joint Training Course on Atmospheric Composition - Cluj-Napoca, Romania - 4-8 November 2019
Two practical sessions introduced course participants to different types of atmospheric composition data from AC-SAF, Sentinel-5P and CAMS and gave hands-on examples how the data can be handled, processed and visualized with Python and Jupyter Notebooks. - Earth Observations of Atmospheric Composition: priorities and methods for training and user uptake - CALMet XIII / Eumetcal Conference - Darmstadt, Germany - 19 September 2019
This workshop presentend the first version of the Python learning tool LTPy for Atmospheric Composition data. - Interactive analysis of Big Earth Data with Jupyter Notebooks - European Geosciences Union 2019 - Vienna, Austria - 10 April 2019
This workshop was given at EGU 2019 and covers an introduction to Jupyter Notebooks, how to access large volumes of Big Earth Data from different data repositories and an example how to set up an interactive data workflow with Jupyter widgets. - Geospatial data and analysis using R - R Ladies London Meetup - London, UK - April 2019
This workshop was held during the R-Ladies London meetup in April 2019 and gave an introduction to geospatial data analysis in R. The workshop was given in collaboration with Claudia Vitolo.
Conference talks
- Copernicus climate reanalysis ERA5 in Google Earth Engine
Earth Engine Virtual Meetup - Virtual - 4 December 2019 - Open Data and Tools from ECMWF / Copernicus
World Food Programme’s First Global GIS Workshop - Rome, Italy - 22-23 October 2019 - Challenges and needs of reproducible workflows of Open Big Weather and Climate data - [Recording]
Workshop: Building reproducible workflows for Earth sciences - Reading, UK - 14-16 October 2019 - Keynote: Open Meteorological and Climate Data - Building bridges between user communities - [Recording]
FOSS4G 2019 - Bucharest, Romania - 28-30 August 2019 - Users of ECMWF/Copernicus data in the spotlight - A user perspective on current and future cloud-based data systems (preliminary results; slides upon request)
Using ECMWF’s Forecasts - Reading, UK - June 2019 - ECMWF Climate Data Store: lessons learned and way forward / User requirements survey
GEO Data Technology workshop - Vienna, Austria - April 2019 - Streamflow Forecasting: GEO Global Water Sustainability Initiative (GEOGLOWS)
GEO Data Technology workshop - Vienna, Austria - April 2019 - Users of Big Earth Data in the spotlight - A user perspective on current and future cloud-based data systems (preliminary results; slides upon request)
European Geosciences Union (EGU) - Vienna, Austria - April 2019